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To begin this journey, we want to connect with aspiring authors and avid readers to:
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We currently focus on biography, memoirs, travel, history, gardening, and poetry.
We are excited to share the publishing lessons we are learning along the way.
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Books where the information is presented in a conversational way that can resonate with readers.
Books that inspire readers to explore new knowledge, experiences and possibilities.
History and travel fascinate us, especially personal histories and biographies.
Philosophy, science, and self-education all get high marks on our scale of interest.
Gardening is at the top of our list for down-to-earth inspiration to create your own paradise.
And we love poetry!
Every book we select for future release is chosen to delight and inform without being stuffy.
We have just begun to publish....
Follow along with us on our publishing journey!
Exploring Our Fair City
Cambridge Massachusetts has a storied history and has been a hotbed for education and innovations. Below the surface are stories to share and to do so, the author explores the city square by square: Central, Harvard, Porter, Kendall, and Inman. Part memoir, part walking tour and guidebook, this volume will give the reader a glimpse of what it can be like to live in this great city, to raise a family here, to walk the multi-cultural neighborhoods, the parks, and discover all Cambridge has to offer.
More about The Squares of Cambridge (Coming Soon)
We have several book outlines under consideration. Discovering what topics are important to our readers will help us determine the priority for future releases. If you have any topics you would like to see an interesting book on, please send us your suggestions!
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For authors who want to take charge of publishing their written works, we hope to share resources we have found helpful.
Get in touch and let us know your goals. We will gladly recommend a program that might be a good fit.
The pleasure is ours...
Let's build a supportive community for writers, readers, editors, illustrators, photographers, poets, and independent publishers.
For more about self-publishing see our Resources page.
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